Opening and closing to Baby Mozart 1968 VHS Opening 1. Teacher says its time to learn about Mozart 2. Furtwangler conducts mozarts eine kine nackmusik in 1952 3. Are you waiting for the Baby Mozart 1967 VHS 4. Anouncers say its coming up 5. Walt Disney entertainment 6. Baby Einstein logo 7. Warning screem einstein torrents Drumming bear 9. Opening titles 10. Candles. Closing 1. Cast on dolphin dance 2. Cast on Neighton the horse Mozart the koala Lizzy the tiger Isaac the lion Pavlov the dog Stella the cat Wellington the cow Duck Cow moos 3. Tune up 4. Music 5. The Baby 6. end credits 7. Mozart's magic flute. The University of Washington press release announcing the study explained that for each hour-per-day spent watching baby DVDs/videos, infants understood on average six to eight fewer words than infants who did not watch them, and recommended that parents limit their einstein bendy ball "There is no clear evidence of a benefit coming from baby DVDs and videos and there is some suggestion of harm," said lead author Frederick Zimmerman. "We don't know for sure that baby DVDs and videos are harmful, but the best policy is safety first. Parents should limit their exposure as much as einstein recall In his study, Zimmerman states that the association between television-watching was only observed in the younger children, and that this could disappear by the time the children become toddlers.